Being Crazy About Green is an everyday battle between what is good for the planet we call home and not breaking the bank doing it.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The Galloping Greedy Gimmies
One of the books I read to my kids was Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmes. The story is about Brother and Sister Bear throwing a temper tantrum every time they don't get their way. In the book they call in the Galloping Greedy Gimmes for grownups it's called Keeping up with the Jones.
Once upon a time "Keeping up with the Jones" was OK because the people we based our life style on was the people living next to us. Unfortunately now-a-days we base it on the things we see on TV. We ask ourselves why we can't have all the things the characters on TV have? All those commercials trying to get us to buy buy buy because we just can't live without some doodad or another. Right now I'm watching a movie where the rich guy has a marble bathtub with a flat screen TV in and enormous bathroom. Good God who wouldn't want to soak in that bath?
Give me an hour Please!
Now if I had never seen this I wouldn't want it I wouldn't even think about it. Every day we are exposed to tons of products we would have never even considered because we didn't know about it and we were getting alone just fine not knowing about it.
Where am I going with this? Well January 1st starts my galloping greedy gimmes. HGTV has their Dream Home Giveaway. It is highly unlikely that I will ever win this enormous monstrosity and even if I did I couldn't afford the taxes to keep it. But every year I go to HGTV's website and check out the new house and enter everyday. Sometimes I don't even like the houses. They had one where the Master Suite was disconnected from the main house. This means leaving the kids in the house all by themselves but still I entered. I'll be entering this year too. I usually watch HGTV to get ideas on how to fix things up or get organized but every year this contest gives me the gimmes.
I think TV give us the gimmes, yes it may entertain us, make us laugh (though with the flood of reality tv shows I've been watching less and less) but it also makes us want stuff we can't afford and if we didn't know about it (through tv) would be perfectly happy without. Does this make me get rid of the TV .... well no but I watch with my kids and talk to them about the things they see. If you asked my daughter about the toys in Happy Meals she would most definitely tell you about how they are just there to make kids bug their parent to eat at McDonalds and how that good ol clown cares more about your cash then your nutrition. Do we still eat at McDonalds? Yes.. once in a while we eat there because I want my daughter to understand that on occasion it ok to eat a little junk food....
Ok I think I'm ranting LOL so to wrap this up answer me this What give you the gimmies? Something you've seen on TV in a newspaper or magazine? Something your friend told you about? What do you do to fight off the gimmes when it's something you know you don't need and cant afford or don't want to waste your hard earned cash on?
Sunday, December 28, 2008
My First Container Garden ?!?
Layers Layers Layers
I drove the kids to school on the Thursday before Christmas! I had to it was FREEZING! Actually I drove my son to school I walked my daughter. She had to be at school first and my hubby was working at home that day so instead of taking my son and waiting in the cold I left him home with Mark and planned to come back and walk my son. That way he could stay where it was warm until it was time for school. By the time I got home from walking my daughter I was so cold it hurt. There was no way I was walking Billy in that, Samantha had on tights under her pants so she stayed pretty warm. But I don’t have anything for Billy to wear as a second layer to keep his legs warm and since I wasn’t wearing a second layer I knew he would be miserable. So, yes I warmed up the car and took him to school.
When it gets closer to New Years we are going to go out and get him some long johns. We are waiting until after Christmas because you would not believe the way some of the people drive around here. It’s a major nightmare at the mall there was actually some idiots driving over the curb to cut into the line of traffic. If they had just joined the line we all would have gotten home sooner but because they stopped traffic while they forced their way into the line it stopped traffic completely! There is no way I’m going to drive around with people like that on the roads in MASS numbers.
Now for a tip for all you facing that bitter windy cold. Layers are very important and not just for the top half. Billy was wearing a shirt, a hooded sweater, a hat and a coat. But only one layer on his legs, which is the same thing I had when I walked Sam to school. When that wind chill kicks up you need that extra layer on your legs to keep the cold out and the body heat in.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Take A Break
Where my hubby got these I don't know but I'm sharing them with you I hope you enjoy!
Ponder ables
If you take a person from the Far East and spin him around several times, does he become disoriented?
If people from Poland are called Poles, why aren't people from Holland called Holes?
Why do we say something is out of whack? What's a whack?
Why are a wise man and a wise guy opposites?
When someone asks you, "A penny for your thoughts", and you put your two cents in, what happens to the other penny?
Why is the man who invests all your money called a Broker?
Why do croutons come in airtight packages? It's just stale bread to begin with.
When cheese gets it's picture taken, what does it say?
Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist but a person who drives a race car not called a racist?
Have a Great day! LIVE LAUGH LOVE and no matter which Holiday you celebrate my it be filled with JOY!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Big Mac Or Whopper?
They go to rural villages where the locals have never sampled a burger. Then asked those folks to taste-test its Whopper against the Big Mac. How horrible is that? Lets go to places that have never had the artery clogging fatty disgusting burgers served in fast food joints and give them to individuals that have never had them to see which processed heart clogger would win.
Gee I can't wait to see which burger the impoverished citizens of this planet would pick can you? Lets watch them bite into a burger for the first time without wondering what the fatty burgers will do to their bodies and tease them with a treat that may be unaffordable once the ad men are done with them.
Some things are just plain wrong and I think this is one of them. What do you think?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
You will want to Check this out
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Crazy Green and World Wide
So I go back to her e-mail to get the address to send her prize and guess where she is from?
Indonesia Flag and Fast Facts
Population: 221,932,000
Capital Jakarta: 13,194,000
Religion: Muslim, Protestant, Roman Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist
Currency: Indonesian rupiah
Literacy Percent: 89
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Crazy Green Contest Results
Zoya said...
Hey, i like this story is: I'm using the last rinsing water (clothes) to mop the floor. the water price is very expensive here.
Wonderful reuse of water. If you have a good laundry soap you can also use the wash water. It won't hurt your plants. Make sure it doesn't have bleach or other chemicals that would hurt your plants. One of the "Free" varieties will work just fine.
Garden Containers
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tomorrows The Day
The day when consummers lose their minds go out at the most obsene times (one store is opening at 4 A.M. how nuts is that) to buy crappy merchandise that they don't need becasue it's ON SALE!
Yes I've done it to but not anymore. I have started participating in the International
The cheerful dead wander around malls, marveling at the blank, comatose expressions on the faces of shoppers. The zombies are happy to be among their own kind, but slightly contemptuous of those who have not yet begun to rot.
Buy Nothing Day around the world
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Getting Started
Why am I starting now when winter is just around the corner?
Well now is probable the best time to get outdoor containers cheap. At least I hope! Tomorrow when I'm out shopping I will take a look around to see what is available. I'm also going to hit the library to do some research on vegetable container garden s. I love the library!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
How to Enter the crazy green contest: Go to comment and post your CRAZY story. Either about the craziest thing you have ever done to save money or the environment or both. The Day after Thanksgiving I will pick the 5 storys that I think are the CRAZIEST! Then let you vote on the top three! First prize winner of the crazy green contest will get first choice, second gets second choice and third gets the prize that is left.
NOW about the prizes.
Because I think we have made Christmas way to commercial I always make my presents. Cookies and crafts from the heart make better presents then some gift card or expensive knick knack that will probable go into storage. This prize should help spread Christmas cheer without breaking the bank
Ok, this next prize I think is the funniest book I've seen in a while. Hate JUNK mail this prize will have you looking forward to it. NOT only is it a fun new way to recycle Junk mail but it can keep the kids busy while you get those Christmas Cookies made.
The last prize may have you scratching your head on how they fit into a blog on saving money and the environment but I got them on clearance (saving money) and no I won't tell you how much. They are a very nice set of heart shaped hanging votive candle holder. I know these pictures aren't the best but I had to use my phone camera because in the move we seem to have lost the cord to connect our camera to the computer.
Have fun telling your story and don't forget to check back to see the other fun stories have been entered in the crazy green contest. Then come back after Thanksgiving to vote for the winners.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Free Coloing Pages...Everyone like FREE
Friday, October 31, 2008
Burning Candles
I always try to get my candles when they're on sale usually right after Christmas. I want these candles to last as long as possible and still be able to burn them whenever I want. Here are some wonderful tips on how to make candles burn longer so you can enjoy them year-round.
One of the most often used tricks is to keep your candles in the refrigerator or freezer. Keeping them cold helps the wax burn slow and even. You will get many debates on which works better just chilling in the fridge or putting it in the freezer. I suggest trying it both ways and pick the one that works for you. (I use the freezer because I have more room in there and keeping your freezer full helps save money too)
Another tip is to trim your wick to about a quarter of an inch. The shorter wick will help the candle burn evenly and keep it from smoking and leaving a black film on your candleholder or ceiling and wall. You'll want to do this every time you burn the candle.
A friend has some very fancy pillar candles there are pictures on the outside that shine when you light the candle. She has extended the life of these candles by burning them down and then placing votive candles inside after she is one of candles of course. This allows her to enjoy her candles longer.
You also want to make sure that when you're lighting your candles you can burn them for at least four hours at a time the longer burning time allows the candle to burn evenly this is of course with your piller candles and not taper candles which the wax just drips down the side when you burn them.
Another tip I have heard is to light the candle and then when you get a pool of wax blowout the candle and mix table salt into the wax around the wicks. This is supposed to reduce the rate at which the candle burns I've not tried this trick myself if you have please let me know how works for you.
Now if you're like me and like having lots of candles burning at the same time this tip will help your matches last longer. I suppose you've heard the superstition that if you lite three cigarettes from the same match it's bad luck. One of the theories behind the superstition is that during World War I if three soldiers with their threats from the same match the third one would be killed. The belief is that the first person lits his cigarette and the enemy sees it. When you light the second cigarette with the same match the enemy takes aim and when the third soldier lits his cigarette with the same match the enemy would fire.
I don't know about the superstition but I can lite up to 10 candles on the same match and I'm going share my trick with you. Gather your candles around so that you have them close together. Like the first two or three candles and then blow out the match. When the first candle gets a small pool of wax around the base dip the burnt match into the wax, then relight it from the candle. Light a couple more candles than blowout the match. Then once again dip it in the liquid wax and then relight it. Continue this until you can no longer reuse the match or until all your candles are lit. This will allow you to use fewer matches which will save you a little money and ever little bit helps.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Recycle Gift Cards
I had never though about those pvc cards that get thrown away after they've been used. According to their website:
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A Little Help from My Friends
No No I'm not suggesting you leach off your friends, no begging needed. Just some sharing swapping and lending a hand.
This is not a one way street either you can help your friends save money too. Try some of these tricks to add a little money to your and your friends pockets.
1. Monday Coupon swap: Through the week save up any coupon for products you don't use. There are many sources for coupons not just the Sunday paper. The Sunday paper is the easiest place to find coupons though which is why I suggest the having your coupon get together on Monday. When you read through articles on how to use coupons to get the most savings one of the things they mention is when an item goes on sale use your coupon then. Well if you and lets say three friends get together you might get three more coupons for that product you want allowing you to buy the item in bulk which allows you to be able to wait until you get more coupons for that item and they go on sale again before you have to buy it. This works for your friends too, when they get a coupon from you for an item they use but you don't they can stock up too. It's also a great excuse for a get together over coffee. I suggest a different house each Monday. This way everyone gets a day off ( except the host de jour) to relax and chat without the hefty coffee shop prices.
2. Magazine Swapping: I love magazines, they offer articles in almost any subject you could want. Now it is cheaper to buy a subscription then to buy them from the supermarket rack. If each person in your group gets one subscription then you can swap your magazine for one of your friends when you have finished it. If you don't mind my suggestion Make one of your magazines Consumer Report's Shop Smart Magazine. This wonderful magazine is advertisement free and gives you information on every product you can think of. For Example in the not so hot category in the November magazine it talks about the Neosporin's Neo to Go first-aid-spray. Which promises to give infection protection anywhere anytime. But doesn't have any antibiotics in it.
3. Sitter Swapping: Let's face it we all need a night out and it costs enough for a dinner and a movie. Save some money by swapping babysitting with your friend. This works especially well if your friend has children close to the same age as your since its always better to have a friend over.
4. Swap Talents: Hey lets face it we each have our own talents. Maybe you can sew up a storm and your fr.iend can whip up cookies all night with out breaking a sweat (and who wants sweaty cookies ewww). By trading skills you and your friends can save time and money.
These are just a few suggestions get together with your friends and see what other ideas you can come up with. Feel free to come back and post your suggestions so others can share them :D
Monday, October 13, 2008
How to save on your Electric Bill Part 2
Get a toaster oven for cooking small meals. I love my toaster oven and use it for many different meals. Because of its small size it takes less time and electricity to preheat it. Don’t use your microwave for heating water or other liquids you actually use less electricity using your stove.
Use a clothes line instead of a dryer. Your clothes will be just as dry but you’ll be saving money. I use a fold up indoor clothes dryer, my husband has allergies and I don’t want to aggravate them by hanging the clothes outside. In the winter it also adds some moisture to the air which in the winter is much needed. If you have to use the dryer make sure you clean out the lint filter it not only makes your dryer run more efficiently but prevents a fire hazard too. If you are planning to replace your washing machine then look for a front loading machine it’s more expensive initially but it will not only save you electricity but water too and it is less stressful for your clothes which helps keeping them from wearing out as fast. Of course you’ve probably already heard that you should be using cold water instead of hot right?
Now for a biggie did you know that even when you T.V., VCR, Microwave, Computer, and other appliances are off they are burning through your electricity? It’s true the actual amount seems to vary depending on who you listen too but the amount is between 26% to 75%. Maybe % depends on how many appliances the study you read had plugged in. I don’t know about you but I don’t like paying for electricity that I’m not really using. Now to save you sometime, instead of going around your home and unplugging everything you need during the day, I suggest you use power strips. The convenient off switch allows you to shut down what ever is plugged into it with one click and turn them on just as quick.
Well this is all I can think of at the moment but if I think of more you know where you’ll find them. Do you have any tips feel free to share them I wouldn’t mind a few more ideas to help lower those bills.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
How To Save on Your Electric Bill Part 1
Let’s start with the heating bill which is a great way to save on your electric bill. (Gas or electric these tips will help). First check all your weather stripping and plug up all gaps around pipes, ducts, fans and vents that go through exterior walls; those little leaks will cost you big time as your furnace keeps kicking on to keep you warm. Replace your old thermostat with one with a timer. By setting the timer to keep the house cooler when you sleep and are not home you will save money. It will also warm up the house just before you wake up or get home to make sure it’s nice and warm. Try keeping the house a little cooler then usual just one or two degrees can save you about 10% on your bill. A sweater is a cheaper way of keeping you warm.
Next is your windows they are very nice to look out of but can chuck your heat right out the “window”. If you don’t have curtains get some they add a layer of insulation that helps keep the heat in. You don’t have to go our and buy some expensive drapes; blankets or sheets will work as well. If you’re worried about how is looks when you have guests over then use the sheets or blankets in rooms where guests aren’t likely to see and go ahead and get some nice ones for the rooms they will be in. You can also check your local hardware store for shrink wrap window covering. It’s like adding an extra window pane which also helps keep your heat in. Don’t forget to open the curtains on the southern facing windows on sunny days to let the sun help heat your house then close them when the sun no longer shines through them.
If you have a window air conditioner make sure you get a cover for it one that is insulated is best. They may keep you cool in the summer but they will also let the cold in which once again causes your furnace to kick to keep you warm. If there are rooms that you don’t use close their vents and close the door. There is no point in heating a room that you don’t use often.
Make sure you change out your air filters every month and to save more money get two that can be washed then when you change one to clean it you can put the other in.
Friday, October 3, 2008
E-Waste Recycling continued buys Cell Phones, MP3 players, Digital Cameras, Laptops, Gps, Gaming Consoles, Camcorders, Satellite Radios, and Portable Hard Drives. They even pay shipping and handling and will send you a box. Don't forget to clean your laptop and hard drive memories before shipping to protect your privacy. and both recycle old cell phones. (now you have three sites for cell phones see which one gives you the best deal before you chose)
For Cds and Dvds try , or
For Books there is the offer $1 to $4 on fiction or nonfiction and up to $80 for college textbooks.
Last for Empty Printer cartridges check out or (they also take cell phones) you might also check you local Staples they will give you in store credit for old cartridges.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Polar Bear Teaches Kids to Be Green
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Getting a handle on your clutter
The book is called It's All Too Much: An Easy Plan for Living a Richer Life with Less Stuff by Peter Walsh.
Where most clutter gurus try to take all your stuff and stuff it into tons of storage solutions (think spending lots and lots of money and just ending up filling the space with more clutter). Peter Walsh focuses on helping you get rid of the unnecessary things cluttering up your life and helping you live the life you want to live. I've been taking it at my own speed and been getting rid of stuff I've holding on to because I spent money on the or I was going to wear again eventually. But I'm not going to wear them or reread all those books (I should have gotten them from the library LOL).
This is a great book to read for those trying to get the clutter out of their life.
Now my first suggestion is to head on over to your local library and see if they have it. If they don't ask your librarian to order it. If you don't want to wait, go ahead and buy it, the money you save on not buying a half a ton storage containers will be worth it.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
E-Waste Facts
E-waste consists of: cell phones, stereos, copy machines, electronic typewriters, pagers, printers, laptops, keyboards, computer CPU’s, “Gameboys” and other electronic toys, PDA’s, mice, monitors, scanners, televisions, fax machines, calculators, DVD players, VCR’s, fax machines, cordless phones, answering machines, radios and all electronic peripherals.
- Approximately 220 million tons of E-Waste is generated annually in the U.S.
- The average life span of a computer today is two years.
- Consumers have, on average, two or three obsolete computers in their garages, closets or storage spaces
- According to the EPA, the volume of E-Waste is rising 3-5 percent each year - almost three times faster than the municipal waste stream.
- The average computer monitor or TV may contain up to 7lbs. of lead, as well as cadmium, mercury and chromium in its circuit boards.
- Recycling these products removes these toxins from our municipal waste stream.
Now what can you do about it. I was going to list a whole bunch of great resources that you can use to reuse and recycle this material but as I was surfing the web on this topic I found this great resource by the EPA with loads of resources already to go. So instead I'm going to give you a quick link right here:
A New Opportunity for
Waste Prevention, Reuse,
and Recycling
Monday, September 22, 2008
Walk Your Kids To School
Would you like to save money, get in shape, spend time with your kids and make your neighborhood safer???
The Answer is a lot easier then you might think. Walk your kids to school. Now I know this can not be done by everyone. But if you are a stay at home parent a work at home parent or if your schedule allows and you are within a mile of school ............................Then leave the car at home and walk.
If you are not driving your car then you are saving money and helping the environment. A pair of good walking shoes is a lot cheaper then the gallons of gas you waste every month driving such a short distance. (not to mention the idle time when many drivers sit and wait for school to open or get out with their cars running) . Not to mention setting a great example for your kids
Getting in shape well what can I actually say about this that isn't obvious. Yes if you spend more time walking you will be healthier. You will also save money and help the environment here as well. If you need smaller size clothes they are usually cheaper and since they use less materials then you consume less resources making them. You will also spend less time at the doctors because your healthier body will be able to fight off sickness better.
Spend time with your children. This is the most important thing I can think of but with our fast paced society we spend less and less time with our most valuable treasure. Walking with your kids gives your time to focus on them and pay attention to things they have to say and talk to things that you never seem to have time to discuss. You see things together you will not see when driving. When we lived in Tucson my children and I would count the lizards we saw sunning themselves in the morning. The highest we got was 27. Look for birds, spiders, lizards, frogs, squirrels and talk to your kids about the roll they play in your home ecosystem or maybe just how cute they are.
Last but not least it makes your whole neighborhood safer. Two legged preditors don't like to be seen they look for children alone that they can quickly snatch up. Your presence will help keep these creeps from pouncing because they don't want you to see them. It protects not just your children but every walking child out there. The more parents we get out with their kids it will make impossible for these nasty evil people to grab anyones child again.
So how many of you walk?? I walk every day in every weather execpt thunder storms.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Alternative Source of Energy Continued
Well for one thing it's just seems like a smart thing to do with such a possible pollutant. Taking something that is considered waste and turning it into something useful is part of what being green is about.
What really concerns me though is some of the other ways they want to try and create energy. Keep in mind I'm not a scientist so I don't have all the information but some of the things I've seen suggested and some are even in use now make me worry about whether or not we are once again being short sited. There are two methods in particular that make me worry the most. Those are Geothermal and Gulf Stream Turbines.
Geothermal is basically using the earths natural internal heat to turn water into steam which then runs a steam turbine. Now I don't believe this will cause an immediate problem but what about the future? If we start pumping water into the Earth to heat it the natural reaction is that the earth becomes cooler. So isn't it possible that we could do irreparable damage to the earth by cooling it down? Can the Earth get hypothermia?
The second is the Gulf Stream Turbines. The idea is to stick turbines into the is a powerful, warm, and swift river of sea water that starts in the Gulf of Mexico, passes through the Strait of Florida, and flows along the eastern coastlines of the U.S. and Newfoundland then heads across the Atlantic Ocean. The Gulf Stream is part of the Earths Natural Heating and Cooling system along with other ocean currents and the jet stream and to start blocking off part of that system doesn't seem like a good plan. To me this seems like walking up to a healthy person and shoving a clot into his blood stream. If you block of part of it is screws up all the rest.
Maybe it's just me.... What do you think?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Alternative Source of Energy........POO POWER
The city of SAN ANTONIO, Texas plans to turn the city sewage into energy for the city. They are going to capture the methane gas give off during the treatment of 140,000 tons of biosolids (think POOP) and turn it into electricity for the city. According to the report the city creates enough methane to fill seven commercial blimps or 1,250 tanker trucks each day.
HOW great is that talk about a renewable natural resource. Just think about how much power we could generate if they did that in New York City (or even using the hot air in Washington D.C. hee hee).
Friday, September 12, 2008
Why Buy When You Can Create
I was making mashed potatoes the other day and I couldn't find my veggie scrubber. I don't think its been unpacked yet. Well lucky for me I had been grocery shopping and had some onions. Now its not the onions I used to clean the potatoes. I'm not THAT crazy! But after dumping the onions into the basket I keep in the pantry I had the bag the onions came in left. I simply tied two of the side together to make a circle.
Then I slipped it over my hand and like a loofa scrubbed those potatoes clean. It worked wonderfully.
I got nice dirt free potatoes and didn't have to spent any extra money.
Now........................which box is that veggie scrubber in...............................
Thursday, September 11, 2008
A Day To Remember 9/11
Please Visit
This is a memorial of 9/11. Stop by and remember those who have been lost.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Growing a Organic Garden
Time to start planning for your organic garden. Here are some things you will need and some things that will be helpful but not really necessary.
Things you need:
A place to plant:
Now you may already have a spot in mind. If you do great! Make sure you keep an eye on it while your getting ready to start your garden. What are you looking for things like Drainage, Sun to shade exposure and maybe local visitors such as rabbits squirrels ect. This will give you an indication to what work might be involved and which plants to put in your garden plot.
Well DuH!! Of course you need then what else are you going to grow. Why on earth do I need to mention this? I’ll tell you why, NOT all Seeds are organic. Some every have pesticides wrapped around the seed so they won’t get eaten by pests. Some have been Genitical Modified. With nonorganic seeds you don't know what your getting. What was sprayed on the plant before it was harvested for seed? With organic seed what you see is what you get.
• Spade or garden shovel to turn over your garden, planting large plants and spreading compost, mulch and moving soil around.
• Trowel for digging small holes for seeds and seedlings.
• Gardening gloves to protect your hands. Just about every gardener loves a good
• Hoses, nozzles, and sprinklers to get the water where you want it. Drip hoses are your best bet for getting the water right where you need it. But if you cant afford the amount of hose you need for your garden check out your garden store and find the one that fits the shape of your garden best for minimal water waste.
While there are many organic fertilizers you can use in your local garden store like Fish or bone meal and dried manure (yeah that’s right POOP for your garden) I think the best fertilizer is compost. Now I’ve made a post before about compost and I have a free video at the bottom from Youtube to help you get started. But if you don’t want to make your own then you can buy that too. Why do I think Compost is the best. Compost is natures way of returning materials to the earth to be reused. It helps your whole garden by supporting the wildlife that helps keep your garden healthy.
Some other items you might want to include in your gardening tools but aren’t really necessary are:
• Hoe to help cultivate between the rows of vegetables and remove weeds
• Pots to start your seeds earlier then if you just plant outside. Also good if you only have a small space and want to do a container garden.
• Hand cultivator are tiny hand held rakes made for digging aound your plants to aerate soil and get rid of weeds.
• Bulb planter if you are looking to do onions potatoes, garlic or any other type bulb plant this tool can help you did just the right size hole .
• A garden cart is very useful if you have a large garden or a large yard. You can use them to haul around your tools, plants, materials for composting small children, and anything else you need to move.
Organic Food Gardening for Beginners
Organic Vegetable Gardening
Organic Vegetable Gardening At Home.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Just A Little Crazy: Uses for Dryer Lint
Thinking of throwing out that dryer lint……..Well Hold your horses here are a few uses for that fluffy stuff.
1. School Art Projects. Think white fluffy clouds, Do a load of green for some bushes, If you have enough laundry you could make a whole fluffy picture.
2. Stop those drafts. Take an old pair of pant and cut off the legs sew up one end and start filling with dryer lint. When you get enough sew it closed and place it in front of that drafty door. You can also use a pair of old stockings or that one knee-hi who lost it’s partner in the mysterious dryer black hole.
3. Packing material for small packages. Place the item in a plastic bag (reuse those grocery bags you got because you forgot to bring your cloth bags ) then stuff the dryer lint in all those left over spaces.
4. Stuff an Animal. Making a friend for a loved ones little one? Save up that dryer lint to make it soft and fluffy. (if the child has allergies try using the cotton from vitamin and pain reliever bottles).
5. Fix a loose shoe. If those stunning new pumps are a little loose or rubbing funny, use a little lint to fill in those gaps and walk on fluffy clouds of lint.
6. Mix it with some petroleum jelly and store in an old film canister. Then when you go camping take it out and use it to help start your camp fire.
7. Put it out side (along with hair from your hair brush and your pet brushes) for the birds to line their nests with.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Old Blankets
But lets face it the extra three boxes of blankets is probably a little overboard. I mean I still have a Winnie the Pooh comforter from when my daughter was a baby (she’s 11 now). It’s time to make some space and give up some of these blankets to someone who can use them.
There are a few places I can think of to drop them off. The Red Cross help people in need all over the world. Check online for the closest office and give them a call to see if they can use them. Homeless shelters, churches or synagogues are also good choices to donate blankets too. They can be use to help families and individuals in need.
Sometimes its hard to get rid of things that you’ve had for awhile and paid good money for. But knowing your things are going to help people in need makes it a lot easier. You’ll not only feel better helping others but you also gain precious space around your home.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Share Your Love of Reading
Have no fear Crazy Green is here LOL.
There are many place that would appreciate all of my (and your) books and magazines that you and I wish to get rid of.
Think about the last time you were waiting at the doctors or dentists office remember all those out dated magazines? Well check with them to see if they would like your reading materials. You can also check with the local nursing homes. The residents would probable love to have them.
The local libraries may not need the books but they usually hold a book sale at least once a year and use the funds raised to help with operating expenses. This is also a good place for old videos.
Schools and daycare can use children’s books and the magazines can be use for art projects, collages, reading and spelling lessons.
If you can think of any other places that can use books and magazines in good condition please let me know.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Ten Green Things
This is a list of Things I would do to this house if I wasn’t renting. (When you rent you don’t get to renovate.)
1. I’d put in a garden. It wouldn’t be large but right now anything I grow myself would help. I would get fresher veggies, use less gas to go to the store and I could guarantee that it is organic.
2. I would add solar power. So far as I can tell we get plenty of sunlight here in Long Island and the electric bill is rather high. (even though we haven’t need the AC and the lights stay off all day.) I believe this would pay for itself very very quickly here.
3. I would replace the old appliances with Energy Star appliances (this is probable where most of our electric bill comes from.)
4. I would have the house tested for air leaks then have them sealed to save on heating and cooling costs.
5. I would install Low Flow toilets to save water.
6. I would add water barrels to the gutters to save the water run off use in the summer on the grass and the garden.
7. I would have a full size compost bin instead of the small (hidden from the landlord) pile that I have now. Composting is the ultimate in reuse and recycling
8. I pull up the boring overgrown bushes in the flowerbed then using xeriscaping to reintroduce the plants that belong here in Long Island. Then add bird houses, bat houses, and a water feature to create a habitat for local wild life.
9. I would install drip irrigation instead of the spray one that is there now. There is so much water wasted with that thing you wouldn’t believe it. The owner pays the water bill so I can’t complain if she wants to water the grass (sidewalk, road and my car) every day.
10. I would add a tank-less or solar powered water heater to the house. A tank-less water heater heats water as you use it so you aren’t constantly reheating the same water over and over. A solar powered water heater uses solar energy to heat the water. My choice would be based on what is available locally and which model I could get that gives me the most bang for my environmental buck.
Monday, August 18, 2008
They Should BE Ashamed
New York has very clean water but It also has OLD pipes. We were told to make sure we use cold water for drinking and cooking and to make sure we let the water run for a bit before using it.
Why you might ask the reason is LEAD. The water sitting in the pipes leaches out lead from the pipes and you end up drinking or eating it. Letting the water run is suppose to clean out the lead tainted water and give you clean water to drink. That is all good in theory and it may actually work but I'm not willing to risk my kids health on it.
So we went shopping for a water filter. We decide we wanted on that attaches to the faucet so when we move we can easily remove it and take it with us. While we were shopping around I rediscovered a product that really makes me angry.
Here is a product designed to give us clean fresh water, designed to take lead and all kinds of harmful stuff out of our water. Then what do they do. They give you the option of dumping all kinds of unhealthy crap back into your nice clean water. I mean check out the ingredients
Water, Propylene Glycol (14%), Citric Acid, Peach Flavor, Sodium Citrate, Malic Acid, Acesulfame K, Sucralose, Benzoic Acid (Preservative), Sorbic Acid (Preservative)
EWWWWWW! Definately not something I want my family having and don't you love they way the advertise directly to our children. Showing the kids with their Lemonade style stand in the kitchen sell chemically altered water to their friends.
Shame on you Procter & Gamble.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
A Weed Free Patio without chemicals.
Have you ever used a weed killer to kill off those pesky plants that insist on poping up where you don't want them?
You could just pull them out.
Yeah I know what your saying to that, I don't want to! I don't have time! This is easier! I get it we don't all have the time to sit there and pull up every little weed that pops up. But I have a suggestion that will work just as well as those poisons you plan to apply.
I once saw someone suggest putting salt down in the area where you want to keep the pesky plants from blooming. DON'T!!!!! Not only does it kill the weeds but if you ever change your mind. Lets say you want your patio on the left side of the yard instead of the right away from those nosy neighbors. You won't be able to grow anything where you've put the salt down. Not to mention when it runs off in the rain it will kill anything growing around your patio or other areas you may have salted.
So What do you do? Its easy every time you steam your veggies or boil pasta don't dump that boiling water down the drain (strain the pasta over another pot instead of the sink). Take take that boiling hot water and pour it over the weeds you want to kill. The boiling water kills the roots and by the time is has reached the edge of your patio it has cooled off enough that it won't harm any other plants.
Take care this suggestion is for sidewalk and patios and should not be used to rid your flowerbeds of weeds. I know this is a pretty obvious statement but
The HOT WATER WILL KILL YOUR FLOWERS TOO. Just wanted to say that so there is no misunderstandings.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
About Me
I have a bucket next to my shower to catch the water while I wait for it to heat up. I then use the water for plants or just dump it into the washing machine. I have been known to stop the washing machine before it drains and drain it by hand to use the water on plants. There is nothing in my laundry soap that can hurt the plants and during a drought or if you live in the desert it is a good way to get extra water to keep trees and bushes and ornamental flowers alive. Unless you have a very small lawn this won’t help grass much and if you live in a desert what the heck are you doing with grass anyway?

I walk my kids to school everyday. Now you might not think this is so crazy but I did it in Arizona summer heat and Arkansas icy winters and rain storms. So far there hasn’t been a day bad enough that has made me say let’s take the car. Never underestimate the power of a good umbrella. It keeps the rain and hot sun off.
I’m an avid composter. Once again you might not think this is nuts but we move ever few years and I rarely get to see my compost put to good use. I pass the rich earthy stuff to the next home owner move on and start again. You might ask why I would do such a thing. Well, what good is it doing in the garbage? If I create the compost and it is used by the new owner it is still helping the local environment. Fewer chemicals get dumped on the lawn or flower beds to feed them and while I’m showing them the compost pile I get the chance to show someone else about composting.
Now probably the craziest thing I believe. I DON’T THINK THEY SHOULD BE SPRAYING FOR MOSQUITOES!!!!
Why should we spray toxic poison into the air for these pests? There are other ways to control the population of mosquitoes other then poisoning every living thing that might be around them. That includes birds, dogs, cats, fish that eat mosquito larvae, every other bug (doesn’t anyone notice the lack of fireflies lately), and Most Important our CHILDREN! Why the hell are we spraying poisons around where our children live and play? You might say that it’s just enough to kill the bugs that are bothering you but keep in mind they do it every night for the whole summer. So every night all summer long our kids get exposed to something designed to KILL.
Now my suggestion for a solution, first stop spraying the poison. Then make sure you empty any standing water. This means checking your yard after it rains to make sure there is no pools of water for them to lay their eggs in. Next try one of these suggestions to keep you from getting bit.
Monday, August 11, 2008
A Wonderful Site with A super Useful Tip
Just before I left Arkansas for New York I signed up for a newsletter from a site called
I signed up for it because it has tips just for New York as well as other areas plus a general newsletter for everyone. Anyway I signed up for the New York Newsletter figuring what could be a better way to learn about green options in my new home then a Green Newsletter just for that area.
Well I hit paydirt with this site. As I mentioned in my last post My husband is looking for a way to bycycle to work and thanks to Ideal bites tip he now has a way to map out the safest bicycle route using a site called Ride The City . It's a very simple site to use. just like other maping sites you put in your location and your destination and it gives you directions for the safest way to get there on a bike.
They are still in Beta and have a wonderful blog to check out. So if you take your bike to New York now you know where to got to get around.
Friday, August 8, 2008
The Big City: New York...........well Long Island
My husband is trying to figure out how to bicycle to work its only about 10 miles away but it takes him at least a half hour to drive it with all the traffic. I wish they had more bicycle lanes to make it safer. You would not believe the number of people I have seen run the stop signs. It seems if there is no traffic coming they treat it like a yield sign. If that is not bad enough, if you stop be careful when you start to take your turn because if you've stopped like your suppose to don't expect the other guy to wait his turn he is just as likely to just keep going.
I had a car behind me the other day that almost crashed into my rear end. I stopped at a stop sign and appearently the person behind me expected me to just keep going. I'm very glad I will still be able to walk the kids to school. The traffic is going to take alot of getting use to.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Green MOVING????
BUT don’t despair if moving is in your future there are things you can do to help make the transition a little more earth friendly.
First make sure your truck and car tires are properly inflated, the maintenance has been done and drives the speed limit. This will help you use less gas on your trip.
Second try having a yard sale before you move to get rid of all the stuff you don’t need anymore. As you are packing up your house take a good look at each item you pick up. Is this really something you need, is it useful or beautiful is, it who you are now? If the answer to any of these questions is NO then put a price tag on it and put it in a box marked yard sale. After the yard sale don’t bring the leftovers back into your home and life give them to charity they can use or sell them to help others. This will help lighten your load and you will use less gas and fewer boxes to move.
Last in dealing with all those boxes and papers, believe it or not there are folks who are planning to move just as you arrive. That’s right they need boxes and paper to wrap up their prize possessions and move them to their new homes. If the boxes are in excellent condition consider putting an ad in the local paper considering the price of cardboard boxes ($15.00 for a wardrobe box) someone will probably love to be able to get some good boxes cheap. If they are not in such good shape or you just don’t want to bother placing the ad then check out they Yahoo group Freecycle. It’s a wonderful group of people taking things they have no use for anymore and giving them to someone else. If you join I guarantee you will find someone who can use those boxes and papers.
Happy Moving
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Still Here
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Going Green In the Bath
Anyway I started discussing ways to go green all around the house and only got the kitchen done. Well now I'm getting back to this topic and I hope you find it helpful.
Lets start with cleaning. Baking soda is a great environmentally friendly, family friendly, and pocket book friendly.
The toilet:
A 1/2 cup of baking soda in the toilet bowl will work for light duty cleaning. Let it sit for 30 minutes, then brush it away. For heavy duty cleaning dip steel wool in the baking soda and give it a good scrub
Tubs and showers:
Clean fiberglass tubs and showers, (be careful since fiberglass scratches easily). Make a paste of baking soda and dishwashing liquid, and wipe it on with a sponge.
Adding baking soda to the bathwater will reduce ring- around-the-tub and soften your skin.
Use 2 tablespoons for a tubful of water.
Get rid of stains on nonskid strips or appliqués in the tub by dampening the area, then sprinkling it with baking soda. Let it sit for 20 minutes, then scrub and rinse it off.
Use a baking-soda paste to remove mildew stains on grout. Apply the paste, scrub it with an old toothbrush, then rinse.
Clean mildew stains and do light cleaning of a shower curtain by sprinkling baking soda the curtain and then rub it together. Rinse well.
Floors: Clean a tile or no-wax bathroom floor with 1/2 cup baking soda in a bucket of warm water. Mop and rinse well.
Drains: For the routine cleaning of sink and tub drains, pour in 1/2 cup baking soda followed by 1 cup vinegar. Let sit for 10 to 20 minutes, then flush with very hot water.
Odor control: Musty-smelling bath towels and bath mats can be deodorized by adding 1/2 cup baking soda to the rinse cycle.
Add a perpetual air freshener to the toilet area by keeping baking soda in a pretty dish on the back of the tank. Add your favorite scented bath salts to the mix, as well. Change every 3 months. Got little ones try one of the new boxes with the peel off sides to keep it from being spilled.
Reuse old pantyhose or nylon knee-highs by putting baking soda in the tip, tie, and cut off the excess stocking then hang the stocking around the pipes under the sink for ongoing odor control.
Sprinkle baking soda in the bathroom trash can after each emptying.
Counters and vanities: Clean the marble surfaces with a baking-soda-and-white-vinegar paste. Wipe the marble clean, and buff.
A simple baking-soda paste will attack hard water or rust stains on ceramic tile. Use a nylon scrubber, then rinse the area thoroughly
Other things around the Bathroom:
Swap out bathroom lights with compact fluorescent bulbs. Ok this one is obvious and should be done throughout your house. So I won't be adding it to the other rooms when I do them LOL. The come in many different sizes so you should be able to find one that fits every fixture in your home.
Try a mildew resistant cloth liner instead of plastic. It will last longer and keeps PVC's, that the plastic shower curtain gives off, out of your air.
Get a squeegie for the shower and bath. Use it after you wash to help keep your stall and tub cleaner longer. By keeping the water from drying on the wall you help keep soap scum and minerals from drying on!
Use less water Lets save some for the fishes: If you are replacing your toilet try a duel flush toilet. No it doesn't flush twice it has two buttons. One for #1 and one for #2 if ya know what I mean. If your not replacing your throne anytime soon try placing a 2 liter bottle of water in the tank. The tank will fill faster and use less water when you flush.
Don't forget to turn off the water when your brushing your teeth and shaving. You'll save water and send less money to the water company.
Try a low flow shower head. I personally don't like them because it takes so long to get wet. Instead I shut off the water while a shampoo and wash up then turn it back on to rinse.
Last but not least try some green products. Now there are plenty of organic body washes, shampoos and soaps out there you will have to find one you like which will cost you some money but gets the excess of chemicals out of your bathroom. Also look around for Toilet Paper made with recycled paper. I like Marcal which is made from 100% paper, they also make paper towels if you want them.
Monday, May 19, 2008
I'm Back Lets talk Humming Birds
Then STOP buy that nasty artifically colored food for them! You don't need it it's junk! If your feeder is red where the humming birds feed - that's all you need. There is no point in poisoning them with Artifical Colors in their food. It's bad enough when we do it to ourselves. These little birds need loads of nectar so what do you feed them if not store bought red crap. Try this easy recipe