Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spring is such a busy time

As you can see I've started some seeds. I figured I would try to use up some of the seeds from last year and had a little success. Most don't seem to be doing much. The one in the corner I'll be transplanting today into one of the yogurt containers I saved from last year. It's running out of growing room in the little seedling green house.
I started some romaine lettuce too but it's looking a little scraggly since I forgot to water it. Hopefully it will bounce back.


Betsy ( said...

Planting seeds and gardening is one of the joys of my life. Unfortunately I don't have time in the spring to garden much. I teach now and May is our busiest time...maybe on Mother's Day!

Thanks for the follow!

April said...

Hi Betsy

I do love gardening I just wish we weren't renting I would tear out those hideous bushes in the back and place veggies instead :D
