Tuesday, September 24, 2013

One Step At a Time

I've been working on the back yard a little at a time.  I start in the morning when it is still cool outside and work till I get too hot.  First I had to clean up all the garbage left around the back yard by the former owners.

You cant see it well and your probably thankful for that but this is a half a bag of rotting larvae infested bird seed left out in the back yard near the house.  Great way to attract rodents and bugs to your house don't ya think?

After getting rid of the garbage it was time to get rid of the weeds ...as you can see some of them were higher then the fence.  I actually had to stop after the first couple of minutes to hunt down which box had the leather work gloves.   There were weeds with stickers on them growing everywhere.

 Now I have a small garden started.  I picked up some seedlings from the local garden shop since I haven't gardened here in Florida I figured it was a great way to see what is growing right now!  I have tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet peas and the pepper plants you see there were already growing so I just left them to keep going.

The black drip hose was already there and once I figured out how to hook it up I put it into use.  I also found several spray nozzles and a sprinkler in the mass of weeds.  Nothing like some free lawn care supplies.

Now I don't really want the garden up next to the house but since the space is already here and I don't have any where else prepared I figured it was a good start.  I'll have some nice fresh veggies while I set up a more permanent home.


Sandee said...

Can you come over and help me clean up our backyard? You did a great job and I can't wait to see your plants grow. Awesome.

Have a terrific day. ☺

Unknown said...

Thanks Sandee ..Still a lot to do but its a good start. You can do it too just pick one spot and start there :D Have a great day

Gail said...

I admire your work ethic.

We came to a farm as the three generation after Mom died and Dad needed someone to stay with him. It has been a battle and a pleasure to TRY to get things in order. We made great progress then a tornado hit the next spring a horrible ice storm hit.

I have found many treasures and just messes that happen with time. Recently since I have gotten so far behind I have been doing clearing fence rows and feeding my favorite addiction...water gardens.

Nothing is quite so satisfying as standing back and looking how far we have come.

Thanks for coming by to visit.

Unknown said...

Wow Gail looks like your farm is really putting you though your paces.. I know what it's like to get behind hopefully I can keep up this time :D Do you have pics of your water garden I'll have to stop by and look I would love to have a little water garden and stock it with mosquito eaters ^^ anything to keep the little buggers numbers down :D
