Monday, March 19, 2012

Tip of The Day

Ok I know I haven't been posting these every day like I planned but hopefully you'll forgive me and find them helpful anyway.

The first day of Spring is tomorrow and I"ve got Spring gardening fever.  The I've been looking up my favorite seed companies online and for the most part dreaming of what I'll grow when I'm no longer a renter.  Of course I also need to decide what I'm going to grow in my container garden.  In picking out my seeds I always need to remember to ...
Pick the right plants for your zone...

Most seed companies make this very easy for a gardener by including a map such as this

This map is useful to help you determine what plants will grow best in your location.  I'm in Zone 7  though you have to look really really close to see it.  Go ahead look close ...right there off New York.... that long skinny patch of orange... THATS ME :D

So I'll be looking for Things that will grow well here in zone 7 what zone are you growing in?

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